Entries by JRT Adoptions

Mr. Wiggles: Lessons from a Foster Family

Over the past year, Kevin and Elisa Schwutke have been a “dogsend” to the group. They are currently fostering Chad, but prior to Chad, they fulfilled the ultimate foster mission three times: To foster a dog from rescue to adoption. Mr. Wiggles was one of those three. Read his story below.

Sam and Ossa: Both Sides of the Foster Story

To promote our push for fosters, we are sharing some stories from our fosters throughout the years. They all have unique and wonderful experiences – some short-term, some long-term and, yes, some permanent.

The Brewsters have had a very unique experience in fostering: They fostered one dog (Sam) to the point of adoption, then took in another dog (Breeze) who was really down on his luck. They cared for him and nursed him from rescue, through the trials and triumphs of overcoming (and almost losing) a broken leg, to making the decision to add him to their family.

Walk for the Rescues

Want to improve your health and the lives of the rescue dogs? Just go for a walk!

Yes, it’s that simple. With the new ResQwalk app for iPhone (Android coming soon), you can log your daily miles walked (or ran) and every step you take will help raise money for the rescue! It doesn’t cost you a penny … and may even help extend your life. 😉

ResQthreads: Go Shopping, Go Walking

We are always looking for partnerships with great organizations who believe in giving back. It’s a win-win situation: You, our supporters, get great stuff that you probably buy anyway; the dogs get a percentage of your shopping spree, your efforts or your time. Our latest partnership is with ResQthreads.

Hannah 2.0: New and Improved

Just a little over a year ago, Hannah spent her days, pacing nonstop in her kennel, unable to look at or trust anyone. You may remember the story of how we finally “caught” her and, slowly but surely, began working with her. She had heartworm (or so we thought at the time; the records were incorrect) and needed to go to foster care for treatment, so Pam and Bonnie took her in, in January and began integrating her into their pack. By February, she was already showing improvement.

Sassy: A Tribute to Sweetness

For the second time within a month, we are left with a hole in our hearts. Our sweet little Sassy developed pneumonia and, within hours, left us for the Rainbow Bridge this morning. We are going to miss her like hell, but her silliness and bunny hops will always live on.

Chad: Learning to Trust

Over the past year, Kevin and Elisa Schwutke have been a “dogsend” to the group. They have fostered three dogs (Pebbles, Casper and Mr. Wiggles) to adoption and are currently fostering one of our more “difficult” cases named Chad. This is Chad’s third foster home. Although he did well with the others, he has some fear issues (especially around men) that needed to be addressed directly and overcome before he can move on to a permanent home. It’s been a long road, but he is finally learning to trust.

Meme’s the Word

You may have read yesterday’s Confessions of a Foster Failure post and liked the meme (that’s the photo with text, for those of us who aren’t true web geeks). It was definitely a hit on Facebook with tons of likes and shares. Jennifer (Pumpkin and Susie’s mom) has been busy, spending her summer vacation away from teaching special-needs children to sharing the special needs of rescues by creating several memes.