
Hannah: Learning to Be Happy

It’s been about two months now since Hannah went to live in foster care. Several of our dogs have found wonderful foster homes since the first cold spell hit Atlanta, but this one was extra special. Hannah didn’t just need a foster home; she needed to learn how to love.
Senior Dog Tribute

Goodbye, Sweet Skip

We had only one goal when you arrived at our little rescue last May, Skip: To love and comfort you every day of your life; to receive the TLC and medical attention you never had been given in your 12 years on earth.
Mama Donna and Bailey

Happy Birthday to Mama Donna!

Could it be another year has passed? Tomorrow, Mama Donna celebrates…
Smooch a Pooch at City Dog Market

Smooch a Pooch Was a Hoot

JRT rescue with broken leg

Broken But Not Beat

Oops, we did it again - we brought home a little boy from…
Smooch the Pooch Kissing Booth

Smooch a Pooch Kissing Booth

Pucker up! Valentine's Day will be here before we know it. To…

Hannah’s Big Ole Baby Steps

Hannah is moving mountains. Oh, sure, it may be a little tail stub wag here or a little sniff there, but every step she has taken this passed week has been huge.
Frazier Meets PomPom

Frazier Goes to School

Frazier went to barn huntin' school today and, believe it or not, he wasn't the class clown ...
Jack Russell Rescue Cups

Don’t Got Jack? Keep Calm

We made these cups for giveaways and our fans on Facebook wanted more. So ... we're making them available to everyone. All proceeds from the sale of the cups will go to rescue.
Mama Donna saying goodbye to Isabella

Impromptu Vol Day

We had a last-minute/unplanned “vol day” this morning. About half of Team Russell showed up to take all of the dogs out for a little while to eat and do their business before tucking them back into their warm crates (on fresh blankets) indoors.