Happy Birthday to Mama Donna!
Could it be another year has passed? Tomorrow, Mama Donna celebrates…

Smooch a Pooch Flyer
Want to help promote the Smooch a Pooch Kissing Booth event on…

Smooch a Pooch Kissing Booth
Pucker up! Valentine's Day will be here before we know it. To…

Frazier Goes to School
Frazier went to barn huntin' school today and, believe it or not, he wasn't the class clown ...

Impromptu Vol Day
We had a last-minute/unplanned “vol day” this morning. About half of Team Russell showed up to take all of the dogs out for a little while to eat and do their business before tucking them back into their warm crates (on fresh blankets) indoors.

2013: The Year in Photos
2013 was such a monumental year for us! Even though we've been around for a decade, our little rescue has never known such an outpouring of love - from volunteers, adopted/foster parents and supporters around the globe. We are so thankful for social media and the Internet to help us spread our mission and find JRT lovers around the world.

Happy New Year!
Happy new year, everyone! The new year has officially begun,…

Jack Flashback 2013: December
'Tis the season for a month of miracles. December was amazing in all aspects - from incredible fosters/adoptions, to an outpouring of donations and voting support, to an awesome and much-overdue party. It ended a year that we will never forget at rescue.

Jack Flashback 2013: November
November simply blew us away and gave a whole new meaning to the word “Thanksgiving” for us. We have never, in our history, had such an incredible month of donations, volunteer help and support, locally and across the country and globe.