Year in Review: December
Thank you all for another wonderful year; another year we've managed to keep the doors open to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home so many beautiful dogs and to provide a sanctuary for seniors and special-needs. It may be a cliche', but we honestly could not do this without you.

Year in Review: November
Challenges are a part of rescue and, like they say -- "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." November proved that we're pretty strong. ;)

Year in Review: October
Awe, October. Pumpkins, pumpkins, everywhere! And, of course, a little dress-up fun with the dogs ... not to mention self-shaming on Mama Donna's part ...

Year in Review: August
Welcome to Hotlanta, especially when it comes to the month of August. This year was no exception.

Angel Tree Drive 2015
We are officially kicking off our 2015 Angel Tree Drive today! Woohoo! You can pick up items for a special dog or any of the dogs in Atlanta at Dog City II or online via our Amazon Wish List.

Year in Review 2015: July
July was another wonderful adoption month with three of our "special" dogs finding amazing homes. We also said goodbye to a sweet sanctuary dog and ... splish, splash, some dogs were takin' a bath.

Year in Review 2015: June
June is all about our big annual Jack/Chow fundraiser ... and some fun-raising. (Yeah, we said it.)

Year in Review 2015: May
We had joy, we had fun, we had a wonderful month under the sun. There were fun days and miracle adoption days. What more could we ask for?

Year in Review 2015: April
April was another relatively-calm month. (We were storing up for a big summer.) One of our favorite little guys was adopted after years of waiting and our cornhole champs continued their winning streak for the dogs.

Year in Review 2015: March
Spring always arrives with great anticipation at the ranch. The days get longer and warmer, and the dogs absolutely love the weather. We typically have a Spring Vol Day to remove the plastic from the kennels, but this year, we had an extra-special "fun day."