New T-Shirts for Sale!
It’s summertime, and we have a fresh crop of of colorful T-shirts to complement the sunshine! Share your support of Georgia Jack Russell Rescue and help the dogs at the same time by sporting these snazzy new colors to keep you cool under the sun while you’re having fun.

Xena Goes Home
Are you ready for this? We certainly weren’t! But what a treasure find it has been — Xena the Warrior Princess (now Libby) has been adopted!

Happy Birthday, Mama Donna
Yep, it’s been another year! Happy birthday, Mama Donna! The dogs and we love you more than we can say … but we’ll certainly try. Feel free to join us on Facebook in wishing her the best.

Get Dogly. Get Creative.
Thanks for all your help in winning the first Dogly $1,000 grant! Starting Dec. 1, we now have the opportunity to win more grants for creativity and year-end Loves.

Candy Goes Home
Candy was an immediate hit when she arrived at rescue a few weeks ago. No surprise there, given what an affectionate little puddin’ pop she is! Everyone is always looking for “shorties,” and this little girl couldn’t be “shorter” (and sweeter) if she wanted to.

Meme’s the Word
You may have read yesterday's Confessions of a Foster Failure post and liked the meme (that's the photo with text, for those of us who aren't true web geeks). It was definitely a hit on Facebook with tons of likes and shares. Jennifer (Pumpkin and Susie's mom) has been busy, spending her summer vacation away from teaching special-needs children to sharing the special needs of rescues by creating several memes.

Big Bucks from BarkBox
This April only! Support our rescues and get $5 off when you use our special code: GJRRBBX1. Help us raise some serious bones – we get a $15 donation with every order and a chance to win $2k each Wednesday!

Terriers Invade TV
Oh, what a beautiful morning! Even though our rescue has been around for almost 15 years now, today marked the first time we made a TV appearance on “Better Mornings Atlanta” to promote the rescue. Woohoo, we’re big time now! Then again, you know us – even the 100th time is like the first time with our dogs. We’re sappy like that.

Protected: Support the Potty
The excitement and glory of volunteering for rescue just never…

Be negative. Stay negative.
We would like you to be and stay negative.
That seems like…