Slick Needs Some Love

Little Slick … hating every moment in the cone of shame.

What would a week be these days without rushing one of our babies to the vet? (sigh)

Our precious boy Slick was showing signs of dehydration the other day and feeling a little nippy and warm, so off he went to Lithonia Animal Hospital. It appears he may just have a bronchial infection, but is still running a fever, so he is staying under Dr. Wright’s care with antibiotics, fluids and TLC. We will keep you posted, but wanted to ask everyone to send this special boy some love. He wants to go home!

If you would like to donate towards his/our ever-growing, slowly-shrinking vet bill, you can do so on his profile page or by making a donation directly to the following:

Lithonia Animal Hospital
2015 Rock Chapel Rd.
Lithonia, GA 30058