Year in Review 2014: December
December was all about fundraising. Between our Angel Tree Drive, the awesome people we met at Whole Foods, and lots of individuals and businesses wanting to get in those last-minute tax-deductible donations, we were able to hook all of the dogs up with everything they needed ... and pay off some overdue vet bills. Woo-hoo! What an amazing end to an amazing year.
Angel Tree Drive Underway
Our annual Angel Tree Drive has officially kicked off again! For the past two years, Intown Healthy Hound in Grant Park has graciously sponsored our tree and will do so again this year. Dog City II in Sandy Springs will also be hosting a tree, which we set up today (pictured). Thanks so much to Olive and Lily, owner Marcia’s insanely-adorable Boston Terrier rescues, for helping us get the job done!
Angel Tree Donations
Thank you to our Intown Healthy Hound and our local supporters for your outpouring of donations from the JRT Angel Tree this year.
The Angel Tree Returns
December has arrived, and we are excited to announce that Intown Healthy Hound is hosting another angel tree for us this year in their store. Beginning tomorrow, we will feature a dog or two a day on our Facebook page who is looking for an angel like you this season. Some like toys or treats, while some could use specialty foods or collars.