The Bad, The Good, The Great
It’s been a challenging two weeks at the rescue ranch. Great news, good news and bad news … Bad news first.
The Bad News: Fancy is Sick
Fancy, the unwanted 7-year-old Jack who we pulled from Fulton County last week on her PTS day, is sick. We thought it was just kennel cough, but it now appears to be pneumonia and could possibly be distemper. She is dehydrated, running a fever and having severe respiratory problems. She is with the vet now and receiving plenty of fluids and care.
One of our volunteers is sponsoring her, but the x-rays and tests are going to hit deep. So we’ve started a ChipIn for her as well. If you can’t view the module below (it’s in Flash), you can use our general donations page and note it’s for Fancy in the additional notes.

The Good News: Peyton is Ready
Peyton is scheduled to have his cancerous lumps removed tomorrow. His forever home has worked out, and his family absolutely loves him. He even went to the beach for the first time over the weekend. We don’t have pictures, but we hear he wasn’t too sure of that water stuff. Wonder how many holes he dug in the sand, though?! 😉
We will keep you posted on how the surgery goes as soon as we hear from his family.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to his surgery and wished him well. We appreciate you beyond words. We now have a more efficient process in place to formally thank you (and provide you with our information for your tax records). You should be receiving something soon. We literally cannot do this without you!
The Great News: Ginger Has a Home!
Let’s end this post with the greatest news of all at rescue: One of our babies has a new home. Ginger, our “honorary” Jack mix-of-a-beautiful-mutt, is going to her forever home later this week. Best of all, she is destined to be snuggle buddies with the 10-year-old niece of one of our volunteers. It’s win-win! She gets a fantastic home – and we get updates. Check out this photo she drew. What parent couldn’t say no? We know we were sold! We’ll keep you posted on her wonderful new life. Congratulations to both of these sweethearts for finding one another!