Please read and carefully complete this application. This form is designed to help us and you assess what your limits/skills are, what you are willing to commit to rescue, and what areas you wish to become involved in.

Personal Information


Your Experience



  • I am aware that by signing this application, I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for Georgia Jack Russell Rescue, Inc., in my volunteer capacity and I agree to hold Georgia Jack Russell Rescue, Inc., harmless for any injury(s) that I might sustain during the course of my volunteer duties. This waiver includes myself, all of my family members and descendants forever from seeking any legal action whatsoever against  Georgia Jack Russell Rescue, Inc., or its representatives. I, the undersigned, attest that, to the best of my knowledge the above information is accurate and complete at the time of signing, and I understand that falsely provided information can mean that my application will be terminated.
